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All information about the workshops, prices etc.



This workshop focuses on techniques from butoh dance, physical theatre and vocal training to explore the dimensions of the human voice. The connection with our breathing, with our primitive self, the relationship between our body and the space and structures that surround us- we will touch on all these aspects in order to discover the vocal expressivity of each of us, way beyond the daily and social use we make of our voices. The workshop will culminate in the creation and recording of a vocal soundscape involving the whole group.


27,28 and 29 August


Price 1200 Nok/ Student price 1000 Nok


Registration and more information:

Voice embodied
Josephine Grundy


Orland Verdú

The objective of this workshop is the creation of scenic material through the various archetypes found in the images of the Tarot cards. The Arcana are symbols that can help actors and dancers in the search of a character or theme through the study of the form, movement, voice and breathing of the images they contain.

This workshop explores Tarot as a tool for scenic creation and culminates in the elaboration of solos/performances involving text/voice and movement. The physical training includes practical tools for actoral practice from anthropological theatre and butoh dance.


30 August, 12.00-16.00


Price 500 Nok/ Student price 400 Nok


Registration and more information:

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